anxious first time homeowners

6 Common Mistakes When Choosing a Home Builder

September 28, 2022

Choosing a custom home builder for your home is a big decision and choosing the wrong one can cost you a lot. A reputable builder will do an excellent job for you without overcharging you. There are, however, some builders who will take advantage of your limited knowledge of construction methods and materials. Selecting these wrong builders may result in higher costs in the long run. When choosing a custom home builder in Perth, consider these factors.

Tips To Keep in Mind When Selecting A Custom Home Builder In Perth

1. Don’t Be Attracted by Extraordinarily Cheap Prices

Many first-time homeowners have a fixed budget in their minds, and they try to stick to the budget under any circumstance. While we understand this perspective, we’ve observed that many home builders omit items or understate the cost of necessary construction components.

If you’re looking for a home builder and most are quoting you a price between $600,000 and $700,000 and you find a builder willing to sell a similar build for well under $500,000, then its time to investigate how!

Ask questions, as many of them as you can think of. Get everything in writing and ensure they don’t cut corners on building materials and quality. Research the custom home builder’s reputation thoroughly and only then finalise a contract.

Always remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

2. Get Everything In Writing

Many operators have adapted a new playbook of making unrealistic verbal promises without providing a written quotation or contract. This leads to disagreements between the builder and the homeowner down the line.

To avoid issues, document each statement in writing. Get a formal quote that includes every condition, material specification, value-added services etc. If a builder refuses to provide a written document with everything agreed upon, walk away. Don’t hesitate to go to a different custom home builder in Perth who will provide you with all the things, in writing, to ensure your interests are safeguarded in the case of a conflict.

3. Pay In Parts

If a custom home builder asks for a substantial deposit upfront, this could indicate that they don’t have enough working capital to invest in your project. The Home Building Contracts Act of 1991 suggests that payments should be released frequently and regularly in parts as the phases of construction are completed, with a maximum of 6.5% deposit prior to work starting.

4. Do Not Sign Anything Before You Have Thoroughly Reviewed It

Many custom home builders in Australia pressure customers into signing a contract before they have thoroughly reviewed the fine print, terms and conditions.

Our team explain the uncommon terms that are found within a specification or contract such as Provisional Sum and Prime Cost items.

Once you have the discussion with a custom home builder in Perth and have a contract to review, make sure to take your time with it and, if possible, have your legal counsel review it before you sign anything.

5. Understand And Agree On The Building Timeline

Construction is dynamic and many things can change the timeline for the final product. However, having a clear plan laid out for the construction with all buffers built into place will help both the custom home builder and the client to get the desired outcome.

Some custom home builders in Perth commit to unrealistic building timelines to sign on more customers and then keep pushing the delivery date ahead without considering the needs of the customers. Evolve Builders only commit to a small number of projects per year to allow us to effectively manage quality, budgets and timeframes.

A reputed custom home builder in Australia, like Evolve Builders, will clearly define the construction timeline and explain all the steps involved in the process to ensure the customer is always aware of what’s happening.

6. Work With Experienced, Established Industry Players

Experience is the teacher of all things. Working with established and knowledgeable custom home builders in Perth enables you to rest assured, knowing your house will turn out precisely the way you want.

If you’re looking for an architecturally designed luxury home and the builder you select only has experience building off the shelf designs, the final product is bound to be inferior. On the other hand, if you choose a custom home builder who’s an expert at building the kind of home you want, then the final product you get will definitely exceed expectations.

A Guide To Identifying A Legit Custom Home Builder In Australia

1. Has A Good Reputation

Choosing a custom home builder in Perth that has an excellent online presence, testimonials and references will be beneficial for you as these businesses are more willing to support their product and work through any disputes in a professional manner.

2. Has References And Testimonials

Recent references and testimonials from satisfied customers are a must. Ask your custom home builder for references from their past customers. Contact some of these customers and ask about their experience with the custom home builder, any issues they faced while their house was being built and if they’d choose the same builder again to build their home.

The answers to these questions will help you determine if the custom home builder you’re looking to finalise is a good choice for your home in Perth.

3. Wide Range Of Options For Selections

If a custom home builder offers a limited number of customisation options, then they may not have the capacity or resources to provide you with what you need. This isn’t a red flag in itself, but it’s always better to work with a company that gives you flexibility to choose items that suit your style.

4. Licences And Authorisations

All Perth builders must be registered to obtain Home Indemnity Insurance and Council Building Permits. Ask your builder for evidence of their registration.

5. A Documented QA/QC Process

All established custom home builders have a well-documented QA/QC process in place to check for any quality issues that would hamper your experience. Ask about their QA/QC process before you finalise a custom home builder in Perth.

To sum up, choosing the wrong builder could cost you more. Therefore, it is essential to research and choose a reputable builder with experience and expertise in building the kind of home you’re looking for.

Please speak to our team at Evolve today to understand how we can help you fulfil your dream and build the house you’ve always wanted.

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